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915 Union Trust Building
Detroit, Michigan,
February 27th, 1907

Charles J. Morse, Esq.,
     1825 Asbury Avenue,
          Evanton, Ill.
Dear Sir:-
         I am taking the liberty of enclosing a letter, addressed to Mr. Freer, received a few days ago from Mr. J. S. Happer, Kobe, Japan.
         Mr. Freer is about arriving at Batavia, Java, and plans remaining there three weeks, going thence to China and Japan. He has not informed me of his address beyond Java, hence I must await the receipt of his directions before forwarding any more mail matter.
         As Mr. Happer's letter refer[[crossed-out]]e[[crossed-out]]s to a collection of Japanese Prints, I thought I would send it to you for your information, before forwarding it to Mr. Freer, believing that, were Mr. Freer at home, he would communicate the contents of the letter to you. 
         I have not acknowledged to Mr. Happer the receipt of his letter, and will you be good enough