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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
March 4th, 1907.

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,       
Care, Hong Kong, Shanghai Bank,
Yokohama, Japan.

Dear Sir:-
Your two letters addressed to Mr. Kennedy, dated
January 31st and February 5th, with enclosures as stated,
came this morning, and I note all that you have to say therein.
The article written by Miss. Mechlin on your Collection, appeared in the Century Magazine for January, and as the lists you enclosed, contain forty-two names of persons to whom you wish a copy of the magazine sent, we are ordering to-day from the Century Company, New York, fifty-two copies of the January number, having previously purchased through Messrs. Sheehan & Co. twenty copies. This will leave in our possession thirty copies, which we will put aside for your future use. The magazines ought to be along the latter part of the week, and I will take pleasure in carrying out your instructions to the letter as to sending them off.
I note that you have made draft on your L/C through Hong Kong, Shanghai Bank of Colombo for £100.