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Detroit, Mich., Oct. 2nd, 1906

Prof. Ernest F. Fenollosa,
Beresford, 1, 81st St., West.,
New York City.

Dear Prof. Fenellosa:-

Your interesting letter of Sept. 30th came this morning, and I am sending you a hurried line to tell you that Iam leaving for New York this afternoon. I shall arrive Wednesday morning, but shall be very much engaged all that day. Can I see you on Thursday, and can you come to my hotel, the Bellmont, opposite Grand Central Station, at say one o'lcokc Thursday and take luncheon with me.

I shall bring with me the Kobayashi Kakemono for you to inspect.

I have been very anxious concerning the results of the terrific hurricane at Mobile. What frightful damage it did, and how terrifying it must have been. I hope that now harm was done to Mrs. Fenellosa's relatives, and I trust that you house and garden escaped destruction. By the time I reach New York, you will doubtless have definite information. In the meantime, I shall keep hoping for good news. 

Very sincerely yours,
(Signed) Charles L. Freer.