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Detroit, Mich., Oct. 2nd, 1906

Mr. Hugh Milliken,
51 Leonard St.,
New York City.

My dear Mr. Milliken:-

It was a pleasure to receive your good letter this morning, although no further word was necessary to convince me of the pleasure you had during the little visit at my home. I am sure, too, that you feel the pleasure I also received. When you are again in Detroit I shall certainly hope to see you. 

In reply to your inquiry, I would say that the two fold screen, decorated with corn and flowers, is by Koyetsu, who lived during the early part of the 17th Century. He also painted the pair of large six-fold screens, showing the hanging ampelopsis vine and gold bridge crossing theriver [[the river]], down which floating fans appear.

The roll showing the figures was painted by some Chinese painter during the early part of the Ming Period, whose name is as yet unknown.

You also saw another roll with a tree in the back-ground, about the same size as the Chinese roll, which was painted bu [[by]] Hokusai rather late in his career, - somewhere between 1825 and 1850.

I am leaving for New York this afternoon, but shall remain there only a day or two, after which I am going to Cornish, Dublin and Boston.