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winter in a warmer climate, so, on November 15th., I shall sail for Egypt where I expect to remain a month or six weeks and then continue on to,Ceylon and Java, returning to America sometime next Spring or Summer. I feel that a change of climate and scenery will bring back at least a reflection of childhood, or, may be, second childhood is near enough to be reached ere many moons.

I had a glimpse of your brother Richard in Delmonico's about ten days ago. How well he looks! He seems to me several decades younger than myself. You, too, are keeping young I hope, and if I am not fortunate enough to see you before I sail, I do hope that next year we may meet frequently.

Since you have seen my collections they have grown considerably, and another year I hope to have the pleasure of showing them to you.

Colonel Hecker joins me in kindest remembrances. You have doubtless heard than Anna had an operation performed