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6 Jan

1) WOW/WONG issue No- opt msg for R18 since ET SEP pbi procedure is nominal?
TK to work up full-fix story. 

2) SAIL starting 1981 with new C&W PROM

*3) R19 CR synopses to be kept each week (Like Rel 18 [[triangle symbol]] brief) & start working away @ back-log. 

4) 1/30 Training load = only new orbit stuff 
PS 7, 8, K, L not in SMS til 2/16 drop.
PS 8 to labs as UPF in ~2 1/2 wks
SAIL cutting PS 7 coldstarts this week (msn - unique testing)
FRF = PS 7, K

*5) See Truly about FE C&W priority for Flt 2

6) HYO P C&W - H/W RECP being worked for STS-2

7) FRF S/W is in launch-day S/W load.
Single 1/L determines flight/FRF branch
Plan to arm FRF S/W in Area 2 MM & never touch Area 1; Area 1 will have FRF flag set OFF.
Got to change LPS memory - compare tapes too

OPS 2 Thrust monitor
Get  w/ Les Mung - low impulses
[triangle symbol]VTDT = abs. value :. deadbanding
STS- 1 going into OPS 3 to do RCS burns on-orbit because OPS 2 [[?]]mechanig[[?]] is so bad.
Processing rate increased on R18 to detect smaller [[triangle symbol]]V's
Review R18 rqts - probably need CR for RSS - type info