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13 JAN


PCMMU - high cost
end up with S/W - unique vehicles - not good

Gnd trk - Jo supposedly got 500 HWD estimate on disp
Are GNC roll-in specs available? Can pgm
be rolled in?
- What is current estimated GZ loading for 19?

* Brief on CR summary procedure @ next APM

ASR - PCMMU/01 MDM re-programming

1) Aaron memo of 7/23/80 was never officially xmtd to 
RI, & RI not contractually bound to reply

2) Morehead pounded Robiteille to get better data on
cost/sched of PROM change.
only 4 PROM configs, :. 26 x unit cost not real
bubble mem. devel. est'd @ 1/2 time for PROMS

M. to be @ RID (w/IVY?) 1st wk Feb for answers

3) OV-103 shipset is blown & 1/2 verifid.

4) CPU savings small, but bus loading problem big.
SSD not sure R19 can meet SL/PDI reqts
Timer constraints limit to 144 acquis hs/cycle
currently @ 140.

RI quoting $75K/6mos per MDM
Manpower constraint : PDI compiler work taps
same group.
Compiler install RI 4/81; 1st NASA del 6/15/81