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201 Load 6/8 (1 wk late)
1st mtg sum 6/23
202 init 6/2; TO SMS 7/13 RFT

Next OASCB 20th
(WED) 1300 1/560

R18.20 / 11.24B 8/

DIT 18.11/11.04 7/13

Grarett doing R/W for FC auto purge consts - 12/5 SCB action

19 MAY

contents 201 load for NOM MECO targets, underspeed or guided MECO = STS-1, but dont know what that is
cannot do abort tgts (guided or U/speed)  (∴ not VIY)

Need: ASC PV shakedown
ATO SAS for NOM asc training
SMS runs to determine what targets are in 201
DISPLAY (traj line) SAS

With minor △'s can do cont Abt, Asc Proced fam

Mike Weston (IBM) - Orbit Level 7 test coordinator gave him Stough/Sullivan comments
- M.W. to try arranging earlier IBM/SAIL etal coordⁿ
- M.W. to send over some Level 6 plans - some of our comments packed up in 6


* J.R. - any SAS's required for RMS DR fixes in 201,202
- cont'd overleaf -  ((what do we plan to train on?