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IBM RMS analyst Darryl Bolding x3650

21 MAY 81

RMS SAIL/SMS requests

[ Cucco, Mwy
John Cox, Ed Crowley, McDonnell

1) SAS for 201 consistency ck constants - early implementn of Mand proposed CR. Request "working" numbers to start with; will step up to any CR's that come out
=>can't even run nominal w/o this. [@ 0.3 only WY fails that @ ynt reversal

((201- nom trng; low fidelity ralfs.))

2) 42793 invalid and only lasts 1 RMS/REX cycle/NO SAS @ PRESENT/
3) 42789 (18/12)(2B)
SAS/202 790 Only 789,791 already patched
SAS/202 291 (2B) others = new patches
SAS/202 292 Mandatory 201 (late if necessary)
SAS/202 299 (2B) 
4) Back-off 42325 & 42799 - Auto Seq DR's - if needed
Separate SAS Desire 201/Mand 202
-> McDonell owes me #s for SAS (1)
-> I owe preparn of other SAS's
Other orbit problems [[circled]]