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25 Nov 87

Project No._______
Book No._______   
From Page No.___
Dennis Morrison x 5281

Install @ T-17 hrs; GN2 dewar needs top off if >5 hr delay in launch
Cable routing/stowed for launch TBD
could leave routed if teleprinter cable install'n permits  
Stowage c/o = connect pwr cable
pwr on - is vehicle pwr up @tms point in 50007?
-L4 cb's etc
temp cntl to cooL - verify Temp LED's light up &
TE temp w/in ~5 degrees cabin temp
[B/u unit will be rdy @ Pod or O&C for R&R at stow time]
cool & pwr off 
cable/DC pwr stow or off (TBD)

[[circled]]AI[[/circled]] DECALS - see Dale about flt qual'd "TOP" "SIDE" "↑[[UP]]→RT"
Destow w/in 5 hrs of landing (locker + freezer + film highest priority)
9 day dewar; want to hold total pad + post-land time to 23 HRS 
leaves ~ 24 hr extra pad for cabin atm uncertainties etc

[[circled]]AI[[/circled]] WSMR postlanding OMI: any EEVT provisions already included or possible? 

Theresa [[strikethrough]]Poleman[[/strikethrough]]Puhlman (RI) EEVT engr. x7285/2328 

To Page No. _____
Witnessed & Understood by me, | Date | Invented by | Recorded by | Date | 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 18:05:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 08:14:34