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16 7 Dec 81 Project No. _________ Book No. ____________ Title_________________________ From Page No. ____ C2 MTG [[circled in red]]*[[/circled in red]] Tues 1030 CST In-flt problems (Micheley)via telecon unto VA3 (near Charles Mars office) WED 1400-1600 EST Countdown W.G. Wed 82-1 POWG @ JSC (Lo/Bd) * STS-6 mtgs @ JSC This week ΔCiIR (Wil Etbauer) & TDRS * VITI brief to STS-3 crew = 12/21/81 INFO • Launch STS-3=1000 Window 0714-1320. (3/22/81) [[checkmark]] Call Wayne Owens [[circled in red]]•[[/circled in red]] Will be 24HR turn capability for STS-3 Aft ET BHD de-bonding issue backed down • Intelsat 5 launch @ CCAFS 1829-1838 Hanger H viewing WED • IPR signoffs to be included in weekly VITT report- get info to report writer • 3120 I-GTRNR exercise REQ'D • Video tapes @ QTRS too (SRB hazards; 2 breaths too) * MTG w/ Lunney today to delete IECM display & 1 PDP deploy (time) * EVA demo STS-5; MMU STS-7 proposed to FTDP [[circled in red]]*[[/circled in red]] CRT failures - track w.r.t. lifetime: Dick Bates logging 7-2670 4000HR lifetime waived for STS-2? Flag to be put on OSS-1 pallet [[circled in red]]*[[/circled in red]] New OPF flow due tomorrow; get copies To Page No._____ Witnessed & Understood by me, ____________________ Date _________ Invented by ____________________ Recorded by ____________________ Date ____________
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 08:42:46
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 10:52:33