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20 9 Dec 81 Project No. ______________ Book No. ______________ TITLE __________________________ From Page No. _____________ S0031 PRE-SIGNOFF REVIEW OPEN ISSUES Whose Q does exp cable connects/disconnects Building in I He post PLRCDR dump/ pre MCDS(data review) -needs PGSE free for data review. OMI structure for verifying acceptable PL data Questions OTV available? (Burt Adams rumoring No) Move CO call-to-stns ~2 1/2 hrs later -let orbiter guys do pre-pwr switch list Tape Redo shroud installed in S5012? Need removal for S0031; install as S0031 post-opr Is IECM to be powered up/ active? (Aft MN B pwr is brought up in SEQ 21 - no other IECM inputs yet) Needing Work Pallet pumps: Don't need until MCDS stuff; leave up for S0002. Comm deactivation/act : Repeated on S0002-leave comm up after S0031? Cute sequence calls for PL RCDR ACT (seq 25) PDP CLOSE-OUT S-BD FM I/F LAUNCH CONFIG TEST (24) could be much more like actual S0007 ops. SUN SENSOR check flows bad; wrong folks involved. To Page No. __________ Witnessed & Understood by me, __________________________ Date ___________ Invented by _____________ Recorded By ____________ Date ___________
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 11:25:00
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 19:19:41
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 18:31:49
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 20:09:42