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Project No.___
48   Book No.___ TITLE 1/24/82

Sunday 1/24/82
Jack & Gordo here with SKR for CEIT/IFM. Reportedly went well; IFM walkdown useful.

Neil G to work adding velcro to OSS-1 TR closeout panels.

Monday 1/25
Firefighting/tank driving training 1000-1300. Jack, Gordo, Ox, Dan, KS.
Steve supported OTC mtg/Dev reviews for S0031.
Briefed L,F on test contents, protocol etc. for tomorrow.

Orbiter Status
CRT 1 installed & retested
V1034 Freq Resp Test nearly done
Plan to open PLBD ~1600 today.
Wt/Cg to be done w/ Lockhead scales vice load cells

THEODOLITE - El/Don/Blaylock did theodolite ops. Repeatability ~.004. New tangential springs result in theod. moving off target (~4°60') if pushed, but it is accurate when returned to tgt with V,H wheels.
Rock/tilt/lift movement essentially eliminated with milling mod.

To Page No. 
Witnessed & Understood by me, 
Invented by 
Recorded by 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 11:41:23 Milling mod. - probably means "milling modification". So changes have to be made.