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Book No.___

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Crew MTG

KSC - starting rolling to pad @ 4:20; expect hard down on pad ~1200

PHD - /\F Mod slopping over a few days. 9 D&C panels yet to go in. EPS mods 4 ECLSS cmplt.
Weekly mtgs on wing problems now. Parts availability improving ssme.
R OMS pod on-dock for TPS/Blankets.
TPS in pretty goos shape except paperwork close out way behind.
-> BF was badly dinged & needed ~12 lbs structure added to fix.
Problem going to Cohen
-> PLBD - failed to meet spec on loads, OTML & gaps after rigging last week; RI bought off on it
Up to 2x force loads on panels 2,3.

SAIL Finishing out IDR's/paper on P.S. 2 testing. PS 3 nxt wk.
STS - RMS eval (regression) testing this/next week
- SPAS 01 valid next wk for testing following wk.

Kerwin/Ross - STS-5 EVA DTO
[[Name?]] wants SMM tasks identified & built into modular activity units & that can fit into any pre-SMM flight.

50017 - 4 1000 Fre T-O:
CTS Wed 2200
Lo/Su Th 1200-1500 Comm Cks
Lo/Su Fri 0000=~0500 Sw list/055-1 act
Su Fri ~1000 V1035
Pre-test brief W 1400 FR4(NYGREN)

V1103 likely 3/10-3/11