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Project No._____
62  Book No._____  TITLE____

From Page No.__

3/4/82 Conroy ops briefing
282.8 post pwrdn @ NOR
Estimating hatch open 27 min after wheel stop.

- Review Entry C/L for EXPEDITED & EMER pwr downs
- Flight rules contain guidance on which to run.
Expedited: Loss of all comm (incl. hand signals); loss of TLM    
  & on-board monitoring; non-isolatable leak
Emergency: Loss of 2 coolant loops; bad cabin condns; fire or 
    explosive/flammable; as requested by convoy cmdr

| -> Hawley says airlock closeout to by worked early in S0007 via TPS
|    he will coordinate for immediately post EMV C/O
| -> Thornton fit-checking treadmill on 3/10
|      - A/L hatch must be closed
|      - check wrt LiOH/charcoal canister access for exchg
            crew post-landing

[[arrow from above section pointing to the following section]] 

Schedule for 9th

       0000-0400 Install
      *0400 - 0800 checks -> V1103 EST 7 HRS
       0800 - 1600 A/L Stowage & [[strikethrough]] V1103   
       1600 - 1615 A/L SW list
       1615 A/L close
       0000 Vertical stowage

    Treadmill Wed afternoon (1st shift) 
             plus MLR

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 13:50:01