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Project No.____
Book No.____
TITLE __3/18/82____

GPC 1 hard failed on 3/17 (SM9) not even HISAM dump. R/R'd.
Managed to dump in lab; sent 10P + CPU to rendor
10,200 hrs of ops - AL magnetein suspected

-Schotting device(TI a parcheled supplied)in full-bit
input register failed. Isolated under cold soak.

-LRU's currently in vehicle ≅ 7000 hr ops range

ST3-3 Prelaunch problems: #2 MA73c cb wouldn't stay closed
#1 H2 TK 1 RPC htr fail ON (man. mgmt)

[[strikethrough]]3/23/82 Vehicle status brief [[/strikethrough]]

ST3-3 Post-flight [[underlined]]
· FOD role in P/L & orbit ops ✓ lists will remain vital
· Shut-off DTO's & flt plan Δ's early; list settles down 1 mo later
      ∴ ~3 mos prior to launch cut off Flt Tech's.
· Training load was late (mid Dec). Recommend working drop L-5 mos.
· Maintain personal FDF to beat 482 lag. Especially non-integrated's 
· CDDT mandatory!
· Quarantine - headsets in SMS never cleaned, so biol. useless. 
· APU gang start good. Better monitor capability. 
· 3 wks of acro flts 3-5 days/wk.
     Feel it helped lesser problems/hastened recovery
· No prelaunch medication; Scopdex after OMS-1.
· Pantry was low on easy to keep down stuff
· Wouldn't have signed up for EVA days 1-3.
     (all Gemini EVA's were Day 2)

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Witnessed & Understood by me,
Invented by
Recorded By

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 15:34:18 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 12:59:06