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Project No.___
From Page No.__
Preparations Checklist - Exchg
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 1. SST - ECLSS, EPS reals with OMI Emer Procedures
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 2. 1-G trnr destow; microbial smpls; GTOE headset installn.
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 3. 82-1 bench review -> 6/15
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 4. G9 TCS - MOM read; vent doors
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 5. SMS post - landing integrated ops. 
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 6. S0026 : EDWS Culberston for dev's etc
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 7. Convey ops: EDW - Bill Williams KSC = Lynn Barnett
-> coordinate Exchg crew clear in; experiment ran clear in;
DoD clear in. L+3 HR hatch opening if needed.
Buddy [[Backwards Checkmark]] 8. VITT action to position Sys Hbk drawings & FDF to EDW. Verify. 
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 9. Locate Michelay's mtg site - OMI Δ's; post-land. T/S. 
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 10. 82-1 Security coordinate H/W handover with HW.
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 11. Schmidt: EDW landing opportunities chart
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 12. Daily on-site OTC tag-ups good. Keep him informed R/T of your parallel ops 
Buddy [[Backwards Checkmark]] 13. VITT: Supply spare batteries in kits for handheld radios. 
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 14. Special FDF inventory. (Action to Dale G to relay to Pinky)
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 15. Destow Questns: 82-1 Polaroid prints (where?) & print backings (where?)
[[Backwards Checkmark]] 16. Entertainment cassettes - AF wants classified. B.S. Pull tabs.

Book Preps                                   
[[Backwards Checkmark]] Tab OMI
[[Backwards Checkmark]] RI CRT spec O/V                              
[[Backwards Checkmark]] some note pages (blank)                       
Panel drugs for pre-review.
[[Backwards Checkmark]] Extract sequential list of MS actions. 
[[Backwards Checkmark]] Ref Data Ess. Bins loss items 

KS Actions
watch crew on Wht rm headknocker
Ask crew if any destow items in pockets
Window map (also prelaunch)

Warren Lackey - lead PE
Dave Henson - TPE
George Bresshear - on-site OTC  PMD Sully & Roberta

To Page No.___

Witnessed & Understood by me,
Invented by
Recorded by