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TITLE __________
Project No. ____
Book No. ____

From Page No. __

Week of 6/7: SAIL 1630 [[strikethrough]] 1600 [[/strikethrough]] 6/9 TCS's 
6/14 [[strikethrough]]-82-1 BENCH REVIEW

RSC status 
- Cargo install began 0800 Fri
- Saturday- pwr down work: 
SSME 2, 3 preburner seals checked OK
FCL 1 drained
SSME 2 MEC R/R'd; retest after S0024
Cabin Fan B R/R cplt
Dev 1 R/R cplt
GOX value rewelds inspected/leak-checked OK
- Powered 0320 this a.m. 
- S0031 CTS 0800
- Hyper serv preps 95% cplt. Preserv/serv this next Mon. 
- No TPS cavities; broke on (BF) in pull-test; want relief from proof load spec
- EMU's due in 6/10 a 6/14; FCE wants stowage back in 6/15 

Crew Mtg
1) No buggies from CB groups

2) Ha on TCDT: worthwhile; SMS/vch [[symbol-delta]]'s (reach; panel placement)
Ha on long SIM: real good; stowage/trash exercises useful. Support folks getting better. 

3) T-38 Interim Safety Suppl. out restricting T-38's to 60% flaps, in all i full-stops except emergencies. Rod-end fails on actuator. Can fail in any  confg. Fleet mods due Oct 82. (tA00' roll) max brakes

4) Mail room cleanup Sat - talk to O'Connor about my maps etc

5.  John 4 - Some philosophies need working
Cape Wx / ascent damage due preup (prohibit flying thru rain) 
/ fog for early deployables (Fall, Spring)
/ thunderstorms (100 days per year) 

[[note]] } will neeed now launch philos.

FDF changes - view 5 4 subs for building blocks. Leave as if if workable
Flt standardization - GPC's cryo's. Flt Techs always optimizing

6) Shrivers scary right movies. 

To Page No. __

Witnessed & Understood by me, __________________________
Date ___________
Invented by _________________
Recorded by _________________
Date _______

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 21:09:17