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We believe that. And, research supports it. These experiences matter. A National Science Foundation evaluation of the value of so-called "informal science education" revealed that professional scientists and engineers, as well as those with strong avocational interest in science, identified museum experiences as pivotal in sparking and maintaining their interest.

Storytelling at COSI is weaving learning into memorable experiences that will shape lives and last a lifetime.

Let me tell you some of our stories.

For three years, COSI has been in its wonderful new home that represents a bold and important commitment by Central Ohio. It is a very different kind of space from where we started. Our visitors know from the minute they see our building that they are in for something fresh and exciting.

Like any of you who have moved into a new home, we've has to work at getting the hang of it. Finding the doors that squeak. Making changes. Our new home is higher and more stretched out, and we are learning how best to use all that great space.