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March 7th, 1940

Dear Tubby:

I am sorry I missed your visit Tuesday, but I was down at the Morgan Library attending a lecture by Dr. Edgar Wind of the Warburg Institute. Incidentally, I want very much to talk to you about him sometime because he is the most brilliant lecturer I have ever heard, and I think it would be marvelous if we could get him at Yale.

I understand that you wanted to know something about our new "neighbors". From all I understand the building is being leased by the American Institute for Iranian Art and Archeology which to the best of my knowledge is the organization of Persian Art in this country and of which Arthur Upham Pope is the head. You certainly know this organization. Other than that, I don't know what information I can give you.

With best wishes,


As ever,

(Robert M. Levy)

Theodore Sizer, Esq.
Yale University
Gallery of Fine Arts
New Haven, Connecticut


Transcription Notes:
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