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February 8th, 1939

Dear Tubby,

It is difficult for me to advise you regarding the French chairs belonging to Professor Crane.

Frankly, in recent years we have done practically no business in French furniture, as at best there is a very limited demand for the very finest type of French furniture which we used to handle.

However, might I suggest that you send me photographs of the chairs anyway, as, of course, our Paris office continues to do business in this field and there might be a chance of selling them abroad.

If an object is very fine, it is always preferable to sell it through a dealer rather than at auction, unless it comprise a very large, famous and celebrated collection.

I stopped in New Haven about two weeks ago, and heard that you were a bit under the weather. I was sorry, however, that I missed you and, in any case, I hope we can get together very soon.

With all good wishes,

As ever -

Yours sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

Theodore Sizer, Esq.
Yale University
Gallery of Fine Arts
New Haven, Connecticut