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April 5th, 1934.

Ellsworth Woodward, Esq.,
Isaac Delgado Museum of Art,
City Park,
New Orleans, La.

Dear Mr. Woodward:

I am taking the opportunity of these lines to ask you about certain of your activities, particularly in the exhibition field. I am wondering if you hold any important loan exhibitions from time to time in any of the antique or old master periods, or even in the French 19th Century. We have, of course, a very large variety of paintings in all schools, as well as other works of art, and would be glad to help you in any such enterprise.

I personally have never had the pleasure of being in New Orleans, so that I am not familiar with your Museum, or the building itself, but I am hoping sometime that I might be able to see your Museum.

On the other hand, I am wondering if you make any annual or semi-annual trips to New York, as I would appreciate having a chat with you sometime, and I would also anjoy [[enjoy]] showing you some of our stock of fine pictures.

I trust I may have the pleasure of hearing from you- or better still, to greet you here in the Galleries.

Please believe me to be, 

Yours sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-22 22:39:30