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September 14th, 1938 

Dear Miss Manning: 

Please excuse the long delay in answering your letter of August 11th, but I have been away for the better part of the summer and only returned New York this week. 

Regarding your request for photographs, I will have to write our Paris office for a photograph of the Fragonard drawing of "DanaƩ" (No. 537 of the Chefs d'Oeuvre de l'art francais, Paris, 1937) as they have the negative of this particular drawing. 

As for the Prud'hon drawing, "Etude de NU" (No. 710 of the same exhibition), I think that you must have this drawing confused with No. 711, "La Source" which is our drawing and of which I am enclosing herewith a photograph, together with all the data pertains to it on the back. It is, as you readily see, a very beautiful, complete and sumptuous drawing. 

I think you might be interested to know that "Etude de Nu" (No. 710) to which you refer is now in the collection of Mr. Henry P. McIlhenny in Philadelphia, and further that a most beautiful facsimile reproduction was published in the last Christmas number of "L'Illustration" which I think would be worth getting for your files. 

Trusting that you will find the above in good order, we are 

Yours very sincerely, 


(Robert M. Levy) 

Miss Ethelwyn Manning 
Frick Art Reference Library 
10 East 71st Street 
New York, New York