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During the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1950, the following individuals and corporations contributed to the Museum over and above the cost of membership, thus making possible the development and growth of the Museum's program. The Board of Trustees wishes to take this opportunity to express again its appreciation for this generous support.

We very much regret that lack of space prevents the listing of more than 9,000 Regular Members whose interest in and support of the Museum insures the continuance of our activities in the various fields of creative expression.

Chairman, Board of Trustees

Mr. & Mrs. Max Abramovitz
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Ahlert
Mrs. Archibald S. Alexander
Mrs. Francis J. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Clark Andrews
Julien Arpels
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Ault
Mr. & Mrs. Lemuel Ayers
Mme. Jacques Balsan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bareiss
John Hampton Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Beal
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Benoit
Dr. Viola W. Bernard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bernhard
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Bing
Mrs. J. Madison Blackwell
Chauncey J. Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Blough
Richard Blow
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney D. Blue
Main R. Bocher
Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Bodman
George A. Braga
Mrs. Fannie E. Brandt
Louis Bromfield
Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Brown
James A. Burden
Mr. & Mrs. Shirley C. Burden
Mrs. William A. M. Burden, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry I. Ceasar
Arthur Bradley Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Cannon
Miss Stephanie Cartwright
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chambers
Mrs. Edna Woolman Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Cheney
Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred P. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Compton
Miss Ursula Corning 
Philip Cortney
Mr. & Mrs. William Cotter
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Cowan
Mrs. J. Cheever Cowdin
Mr. & Mrs. Gardener Cowles, Jr. 
Mrs. Charles T. Crocker
Jarvis Cromwell
Mr. & Mrs. John Denny Dale
Miss Eleanor Daniels
Mrs. Norris Darrell
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Davidson
Pierre David-Weill
Mrs. Natalie R. Davies
Bernard Davis
Henry P. Davison
Arthur P. Day
Mrs. Phillippe de Croisset
Mr. & Mrs. John de Menil
Richard de Rochemont
Mrs. Richard Deutsch
Mr. & Mrs. Imrie de Vegh
Mr. & Mrs. C. Douglas Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dillon
Princess Laetitia Boncompagni di Venosa
Robert W. Dowling
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dreyfuss
Mr. & Mrs. Georges Duplaix
Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Eberstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Ecker
Mrs. Robert H. Ellinger
Mrs. Maximilian Elser, Jr. 
Mr & Mrs. Allen D. Emil
Mrs. A. W. Erickson
Mrs. Sybil Esmond
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Fairchild
Mrs. Marjorie L. Falk
Lynn Farnol
Mrs. Andrew Gagarin
Col. & Mrs. Edgar W. Garbisch
Mrs. Bernard F. Gimbel
Mrs. Leo Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Goetz
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodwin
Walter Gould
Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Grant
Lauder Greenway
Miss Mary Livingston Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Grover
Mrs. Elizabeth Grant Harkness
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Harrison
Moss Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence L. Hay
Rudolf Heinemann
Miss Theresa Helburn
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hellmann
Mr.s George W. Helm
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hess
Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. 
Mrs. Richard C. Hunt
Captain & Mrs. John J. Ide
Robert L. Ireland III
Mrs. Henry Ittleson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ittleson, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Allen Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver B. James 
Alfred Jaretzki, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dean Jay
Mrs. B. Brewster Jennings
Oliver B. Jennings
Mrs. H. Eric Jewett
Mr. & Mrs. F. Raymond Johnson
Mrs. Hattie H. Jonas
Edgar J. Kaufmann
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Kaufmann
Mrs. Lester Kissel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kleberg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor W. Knauth


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