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August 3rd., 1950.

Dear Miss Daniels,
I phoned you twice during July, hoping you would spend a week-end at the farm. Perhaps next week-end, if you have returned?

The Erie R.R. from Chambers Street will take you to Narrowsburg, N.Y., where I would meet you. Just let me know what train.

I also wanted to tell you that Dr. Lust returned the Ball bowl. I was not there, but no indication of price paid was given him. I believe he left with the understanding that he would come back in the Fall to see old paintings. Just wanted you to be posted should you see him meanwhile.

I will be here until after Labor Day with the exception of a short trip to Provincetown, so should next week-end not be convenient for the farm visit, I'll also be here the week-end of the 25th. 

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T. D. Parker

Miss Greta Daniels,
Museum of Modern Art,
11 West 53rd. St.,
N.Y. 19, N.Y.

Summer address: Box Farm, R. D. 1, Hawley, Pa.
Telephone: Hawley, Pa. 540-R-1-5. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-26 17:52:56