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October 16, 1951

Dear Dr. Cook:

When you asked me last year whether I would be willing to establish a fellowship for the 1950-51 courses at the Institute of Fine Arts, I took pleasure in sending you my check for this purpose.

At that time I conveyed to you my desire that this fellowship be granted a student following certain specific courses.

With your letter of October 29, we agreed that Miss Jane Constello would receive one half of this scholarship. We agreed also that the other half would be granted in the second semester to a student following a course in the field of 17th or 18th century French painting, and that you would advise me of the student you would suggest.

Not having heard further from you, it is thus my understanding that the second half of this last year's scholarship is still available at present and that the $250.- thus


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-27 08:52:27