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October 5, 1950

Dear Dr. Cook:

I take pleasure in fulfilling my pledge to you by sending you herein a check of $500.- (five hundred dollars) to the order of the New York University Institute of Fine Arts, for a scholarship which is to be put just in my name, Germain Seligman, for reasons you will easily understand. 

As explained to you I would like these funds to help an unmarried student, boy or girl, desirous of taking a course in French art. I purposely do not specify the period, provided it is before 1800.

When you will you have decided upon the recipient of such an award I would be obliged to you for advising me as to the name of the student and the course he or she will take, as should I have an opportunity I may wish to be able to meet him/her. This is in no way to be construed as creating an obligation for the latter to communicate with me as I want his/her to be perfectly free of any such duty. 

Would you be so good as to confirm the above to me when acknowledging receipt of the check.

Looking forward to having soon an opportunity of seeing you and with best wishes, 

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Dr. Walter W.S. Cook
New York University
Institute of Fine Arts
17 East 80th Street
New York, N.Y.



Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-27 18:41:09