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43-49 Washington Street / Newark 1, New Jersey / Telephone MItchell 2-0011
February 10, 1965
Mr. Germain Seligman
Jaques Seligman & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mr. Seligman:
  I want to thank you for your generous contribution in lending to our recent exhibition,  The Golden Age of Spanish Still-life Painting .  The exhibition was one of the most beautiful painting shows that the Museum has ever presented and it was enjoyed by a large audience which included a general public from the metropolitan area and many scholars and students.  We believe that this undertaking will materially aid in furthering the study of this little-known field, and we appreciate greatly your significant assistance in making this exhibit possible.

  If you would like an additional copy of the catalogue, we would be very pleased to send one to you.

Sincerely yours
Katherine Coffy 
Katherine Coffey


Transcription Notes:
Thoroughly reviewed and can be marked as completed.