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43-49 Washington Street / Newark 1, New Jersey / Telephone MItchell 2-0011
September 16, 1964
MILDRED BAKER, Associate Director

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jaques Seligman & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mr. Seligman:
  We are so very pleased to learn that we may borrow the Still-Life by Pereda for our forthcoming show of Old Master Spanish Still painting which will run from December 4, 1964 through January 26, 1965.  Plans for this exhibition are going along very well, and we now have a fine representative selection of works which will be shown.  Yours, however, is the only one by Pereda and so is particularly significant to our show.  I am enclosing our exhibition loan form which we would appreciate having filled out and returned to us.  We would be most grateful if you could supply us with a photograph of this work for catalogue and publicity purposes.  Our Registrar will be in touch with you later concerning the collection of the picture, and naturally we shall assume the costs of insurance.  If you have any other Spanish Still Life paintings or know of others which might have escaped our notice, we would be most grateful to you to learn of them.

  Another painting which we fortunately have been promised for our show is a Still Life by Juan Sanchez Cotan, now owned by Mr. Morris Helprin of Ossining, New York.  A number of years ago, this painting was owned by Arnold Seligman, Rey and Company.  We are particularly interested in getting the dimensions of the picture and in securing a good photograph of it suitable for reproduction.  If you could assist us with this, we would be most grateful.

  Again, let me thank you for your cooperation.  We believe we shall have a show of both significance and beauty, and your contribution to it is certainly a major one.

Sincerely yours
 Katherine Coffey
Katherine Coffey