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OBERLIN, OHIO 44074  (216) 774-1221, EXT. 3117

May 5, 1971

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann and Company
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York 10022

Dear Mr. Seligman:

One month from today, June 5, is Wolf Stechow's seventy-fifth birthday, an occasion too special to pass unnoticed by his many friends. We who have cherished his endearing warmth and have grown from his deep humanistic learning and devoted teaching can pay tribute to him in an appropriate and lasting way. Oberlin has been Wolf's home for so many years that the Museum--especially its Dutch paintings and graphics and collection--seems inseparable from his name. His Graphic Arts course has opened thousands of curious minds and sensitive eyes to the wonders of Duerer, Rembrandt, and Goya, and will continue to do so next year when Wolf returns to Oberlin to give once more his famous lectures in that field. Wolf's unyielding dedication to teaching and his love for brilliant early impressions are matched only by his generosity in offering to share with still another generation of students his enthusiasm for superb prints from Schongauer to Picasso.

Plans are drawn up for remodeling and expanding one of Wolf's life-long loves, the Oberlin Museum. But plans they remain, until we are assured of sufficient funds to carry the project through. Among the crucial needs is the building of a print-study room where students and visitors can study at leisure Oberlin's excellent graphics collection. Wolf's friends in Goettingen, The Hague, Madison, Oberlin, Ann Arbor, Cleveland, Poughkeepsie, Bryn Mawr, Northampton, Williamstown, Washington, New York, and literally every place fortunate enough to have known him, can make possible this addition--and its dedication as the WOLFGANG STECHOW PRINT CABINET. It can be a fitting public tribute to a life rich in service and scholarship, and at the same time private thanks from each of us for our own special relationship with Wolf.

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