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December 6, 1968

Dear Mr. Spear:

Do have my thanks for your nice note of December 2nd in which you inquire about paintings that I have owned or may have at present.

To answer your direct query regarding the painting by BIGOT - "Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene"- it was acquired a few years ago by the French Museum at Bordeaux.

Concerning the two paintings by VOUET - I have had several - one of capital importance went to the Louvre Museum; should it be the of the two you have in mind.

French XVIIth century art being a field which interests me particularly let me say that at present I could show you works be VOUET, LE NAIN, VIGNON, BOURDON, DAUPHIN, STELLA, and one of the masterpieces by LA HYRE.

Thus, it would be difficult for me to send you photographs and I suggest that you drop in at my galleries during your short visit on January 3rd or 4th. Would you be good enough to telephone in order to make an appointment (PLaza 3-0250) at a time suitable for both of us.

Meanwhile, could you let me have the theme of the exhibition you are organizing for the Cleveland Museum. This would give me a clearer idea of the paintings you are looking for.

Not having had the pleasure of meeting you before, if I am not mistaken, and were it not too inquisitive, may I ask whether you are on the staff of Oberlin College ?

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Richard E. Spear
Department of Art
Oberlin College
Oberlin, Ohio 44074


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-19 09:20:42