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Oberlin GST - Vanderbilt merger - add one

The agreement between the two institutions provides that:

--Oberlin will transfer to Vanderbilt, subject to court approval, endowment funds that are designated for support of theological education.  President Carr said these funds had a market value of $1,349,145 at the end of October, 1965. 

--Oberlin will, in addition, provide operating funds of $50,000 a year for five years to help Vanderbilt carry the expanded program through the period of adjustment.

--Vanderbilt will invite six Oberlin professors to join the Divinity School faculty.  They are Professors Herbert G. May and Richard C. Wolf, Associate Professors Harold W. Fildey currently acting Dean at Oberlin), David W. Jewell, and J. William Lee, and Assistant Professor Richard M. Mapes.  For the present, the proposed merger does not include the transfer to Vanderbilt of the program of the Schauffler Division of Christian Education nor two of the professors associated with this program, Dr. W. Marlin Butts and Dr. Ruth Lister.

--Vanderbilt will accept all present Oberlin students in good standing who wish to transfer and Oberlin will continue to provide appropriate scholarship assistance to those who do.

--Vanderbilt will seek to foster and preserve the Oberlin tradition in theological education.  In particular, names that are associated historically with Oberlin will be given to two professorships at Vanderbilt and to a portion of the Divinity School's quadrangle of buildings. One such name is Charles C. Finney, an early Oberlin President and frontier theologian.

--Some items in the Oberlin theological library and some items of equipment will be transferred, dependent upon agreement among appropriate officers of the two institutions.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-17 09:58:22