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Oberlin GST - Vanderbilt merger - add three

In 1960, the University built the Divinity School a new quadrangle of buildings in which space was provided for gradual expansion of enrollment.  The School this year has 201 students and room for 350.  Current enrollment at Oberlin is 113 students.

Dean James Sellers of Vanderbilt Divinity School said: "We look forward to welcoming the Oberlin theological faculty and students to Vanderbilt.  We also look beyond next year and expect Oberlin's merger with us to add a permanent wider dimension to Vanderbilt Divinity School.

"Our school's primary sources of students have been colleges in Tennessee and adjacent states as Oberlin's main sources have been Ohio and adjacent states.  Together, our tradition reaches from Canada to the Gulf, a huge segment of the nation.  I foresee the two schools combined as a unique theological center for mid-America, serving the whole nation."


12/21/65 - wr - 171

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-17 09:59:21