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April 11th, 1936

Dear Mr. McIlhenny:

Referring to our conversation of yesterday regarding your contemplated Degas exhibition, it has just occurred to me that if you would let me have a list of the paintings that you would like to have for your exhibition that are in European museums and collections with which you have no connections, we would be delighted to see what we could do to help you in this matter. 

As I explained to you, I do not think I am going abroad myself this summer, but Mr. Germain Séligmann told me that he would be only too glad to do anything he possibly could to cooperate with you.

By-the-by, I was speaking to Mr. Winthrop this morning, and he told me that he would be very pleased to have you go up and see his collection; therefore, if you would let me know exactly the day or days you will be coming to New York the week after next, I could make an oppointment with Mr. Winthrop. 

Regarding the Fantin-Latour, if you could think out any scheme whereby your museum could acquire it, we would be willing to make you a special reduction on the price I quoted you, namely $17,000, which I think you realize yourself, is extremely low in view of the importance of the portrait. 

Look forward, therefore, to hearing from you, and with my kindest regards to Mrs. McIlhenny and yourself, 

Believe me to be

Yours very sincerely,

(Clyfford Trevor)

Henry P. McIlhenny, Esq.
Lincoln Drive & Johnson Street
Germantown, Philadelphia


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-29 12:42:27