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November 7, 1969

Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman
875 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Seligman,

Our museum is collaborating with the History of Art Department at Brown to present and exhibition on the work of Jacques Callot. Most of the research now having been completed, I would like to give you the specific details about the exhibition and request loans we must secure from your collection if the exhibition is to be as good as it should be.

The exhibition is directed by Henri Zerner; the research is by the graduate students at Brown; the professional staff of the museum will supervise all technical procedures and will handle transportation, packing, framing and insurance. We want to open the exhibition on March 4th, 1970 and close it on April 11th, 1970.

In addition to the prints of Callot and related masters, the exhibition will attempt to gather all the original Callot drawings in American collections. These as well as the prints will be carefully catalogued in a publication to be jointly produced by the museum and the Brown History Art Department.

I am enclosing our loan forms in triplicate for the works in your collection which we would so much like to borrow. It is likely that you might be able to aid our students in preparing the most effective and informative entries for the catalogue, if you have the time to answer the usual questions, or add any specialized data that pertains to a particular work.

Needless to say, I would be grateful for your cooperation and also delighted if you would return the forms to me or to Mrs. Diana Johnson of our Print department, as soon as a decision can conveniently be reached. Hoping that it will be positive,

Daniel Robbins
Daniel Robbins


Transcription Notes:
Not finished! 07142023 Finished transcription ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-15 09:03:06 removed per SI instructions [[handwritten signature]]