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June 4, 1962
Dear Mr. Gourley:

      It was a great pleasure to have you here last week in connection with the El Greco to Goya Exhibition you are planning.

      As promised, you will find enclosed a brochure on the Antonio PEREDA “Still Life” painting which, for your records is priced at $13,000 (thirteen thousand), and a black and white photograph of the Valdes LEAL “Portrait of a Man” ($8,000).
      Should you wish any further word in respect to either of these, do not hesitate to let us know. In any event we shall look forward to seeing you in the fall when Mr. Seligman will have returned from Europe.

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker

Mr. Hugh J. Gourley
Museum of Art
Rhode Island School of Design 
224 Benefit Street
Providence 3, R. I.

Encls. (2)