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[[preprinted]]21[[/preprinted]] Friday Oct. 16, 1908 H 1300 22:50 2 in. eyepiece First measures contin. [[table]] |[[symbol-check mark]]AM 2588|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 738| |10.7|9.6| |[[symbol-check mark]]AM1944|[[symbol-check mark]]AM5287| |10.0|9.2| |[[symbol-check mark]]AM3682|[[symbol-check mark]]AM3604| 11.[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] 1|3 images p 10.3 m 10.1 f too blurred to measure| |[[symbol-check mark]]AM 1799| | |10.0| | |[[symbol-check mark]]AM 2738| | |8.8| | |[[symbol-check mark]]AM 782| | |n.s. [[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]]Transcription Notes:
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