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Monday December 21, 1908
Variable H. 2893 Measures of Comparison Stars 
2:45 Marked on I 17552 and I 16629 

I 17552               I 29874     
a 50 52 5.20 00       a 52 54 55 5.45 0i
b 58 60 60 6.00 00    d 62 6.4 66 6.50 ii
e 67 69 71 7.00 ii    b 58 6.0 63 6.15 2i
c 6.2 64 6.2 6.3 ii   c 62 6.4 64 6.40 00
d 64 6.6 65 6.55 0i   e 70 7.2 72 7.20 00
f     73 7.3     a    f         8.0 8.0 a
g.    78 7.8.    a    g         8.2 8.2 a
