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[[underlined]]Saturday, January 20, 1909[[/underlined]]
H 2892 First measures 1 inch eyepiece.
|   |AC6164|AC6733|
|   |8.7 ?|9.3|
|1 in. eyepiece|b is 0.3 or 0.3|b,.1d|
|   |than d and|c,.2>d,.1b by 0.1|   | 
|   |Var. is .2 or .3 [[strikethrough]]fainter[[/strikethrough]]brighter than d + .1 or .2 fainter than b. Images slightly elongated|   |  
|   |AC6660|   |   
|   |9.3|   |   
|   |C>b by .1 or .2|   |   
|   |var < b|   |   
|   |b>d by 0.1 or 0.2|   | 
|   |b

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 18:56:50