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[[preprinted]] 187 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|28|-25 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 10342|14 19.7|-25 6|9.1|
|29|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11490|14 19.6|-24 59|9.3|
|30|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11494|14 20.0|-24 49|9.5|
|31|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11497|14 20.3|-24 44|9.5|
|32|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11525|14 22.7|-24 18|8.6|
|33|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11520|14 22.5|-24 8|8.8|
|34|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11524|14 22.7|-24 10|10|
|35|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11527|14 23.1|-24 12|9.4|
|36|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11533|14 23.8|-24 45|7.6|
|37|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11523|14 22.7|-24 59|7.6|
|38|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11532|14 23.7|-24 1|8.5|
|39|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11540|14 24.6|-24 0|7.6|
|40|-24 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11545|14 25.0|-24 32|8.7|
|41|-2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]3 [[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 11535[[/strikethrough]]11780|[[strikethrough]] 24.1[[/strikethrough]]14 25.7 |-2[[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]]3  [[strikethrough]]46[[/strikethrough]]52|[[strikethrough]] 9.3[[/strikethrough]]7.8|
|42|-2[[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]]3[[symbol - degree symbol]] 117[[strikethrough]] 83[[/strikethrough]]95|14 26.6|-23 [[strikethrough]] 28[[/strikethrough]]48|[[strikethrough]]7.1[[/strikethrough]]8.4|
|43|-2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]3[[symbol - degree symbol]]  [[strikethrough]] 11581[[/strikethrough]]11783 |14 [[strikethrough]] 28.9[[/strikethrough]]26.0 |-2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]3 28| [[strikethrough]]8.2[[/strikethrough]]7.1|
|44|-2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]3 [[symbol - degree symbol]]  [[strikethrough]] 11535[[/strikethrough]]11777 |14  [[strikethrough]] 24.1[[/strikethrough]]25.4|-2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]3 [[strikethrough]] 46[[/strikethrough]]38| [[strikethrough]] 9.3[[/strikethrough]]8.4|
|45|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11775|14 25.1|-23 28|8. [[strikethrough]] 8[[/strikethrough]]9|
|46|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11769|14 24.5|-23 47|9.1|
|47|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11766|14 24.1|-23 44|9.3|
|48|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11762|14 23.8|-23 47|9.0|
|49|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11748|14 22.7|-23 30|8.8|
|50|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11747|14 22.6|-23 15|9. [[strikethrough]] 8[[/strikethrough]]1|
|51|-22 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 3797|14 21.2|-22 46|8.8|
|52|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11741|14 22.1|-23 12|8.7|
|53|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11739|14 22.0|-23 15|9.2|
|54|-22 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 3793|14 20.2|-22 22|7.8|
[[annotation]]|-23 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 11763 sup. 9.6|[[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-25 16:02:49