Viewing page 31 of 228

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[[preprinted]] 25 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|28|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1264|5 30.7|-6 48|9.0|
|29|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1265|5 30.8|-6 35|9.1|
|30|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1267|5 30.8|-6 49|8.8|
|31|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1275|5 31.6|-6 40|6.5|
|32|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1142|5 31.9|-7 18|5.0|
|33|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1141|5 31.6|-7 29|8.5|
|34|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1139|5 31.1|-7 50|9.0|
|35|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1137|5 30.3|-7 17|9.3|
|36|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1132|5 29.7|-7 11|8.5|
|37|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1131|5 29.1|-7 30|7.0|
|38|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1130|5 28.7|-7 30|9.0|
|39|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1124|5 27.7|-7 18|6.8|
|40|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1122|5 27.4|-7 30|9.0|
|41|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1119|5 27.0|-7 8|6.8|
|42|[[strikethrough]] -5 [[/strikethrough]] -6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1227|5 27.0|[[strikethrough]] -5 [[/strikethrough]] -6 57|8.5|
|43|[[strikethrough]] -5 [[/strikethrough]] -6 1226|5 26.8|[[strikethrough]] -5 [[/strikethrough]] -6 44|9.0|
|44|-6[[degree - degree symbol]] 1238|5 28.1|-6 40|8.5|
|45|-6[[degree - degree symbol]] 1244|5 28.6|-6 51|9.2|
|46|-6[[degree - degree symbol]] 1247|5 28.9|-6 22|8.5|
|47|-6[[degree - degree symbol]] 1254|5 29.5|-6 33|8.3|
|48|-6[[degree - degree symbol]] 1257|5 29.9|-6 15|9.0|
|49|-6[[degree - degree symbol]] 1262|5 30.4|-6 2|6.7|
|50|-5[[degree - degree symbol]] 1336|5 29.4|-5 52|9.0|
|51|-5[[degree - degree symbol]] 1334|5 29.1|-5 44|7.8|
|52|-5[[degree - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 1334 [[/strikethrough]] 1330|5 [[strikethrough]] 29.1 [[/strikethrough]] 28.8|-5 [[strikethrough]] 44 [[/strikethrough]] 43 [[strikethrough]] 7.8 [[/strikethrough]]|8.2|
|53|-5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1335|5 29.3|-5 30|9.0|
|54|-5[[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 1335 [[/strikethrough]] 1331|5 [[strikethrough]] 29.3 [[/strikethrough]] 28.8|-5 [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] 28|9.0|
[[annotation]] 63 [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] 26 [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] 62 [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] 60 [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] 59 [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 15:03:20 the number of columns in the table should correspond to the guide at the top (5 columns in guide, 5 columns in table) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 19:24:57