Viewing page 93 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 87 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|79|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9915|16 5.2|-51 48|9.8|
|80|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9918|16 5.4|-51 44|9.8|
|81|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9422|16 6.1|-52 3|8.4|
|82|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9933|16 6.2|-51 52|10.0|
|83|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 942[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]6|16 6.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]2|-52 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 5|9.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]1|
|84|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9941|16 6.5|-51 56|9.7|
|85|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9970|16 8.3|-51 35|10.0|
|86|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9980|16 8.8|-51 53|9.6|
|87|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9538|16 9.7|-52 7|8.5|
|88|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10010|16 10.2|-51 52|9.7|
|89|-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10023|16 10.8|-51 50|9.2|
|90|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9589|16 10.8|-52 6|9.1|
|91|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9604|16 11.1|-52 4|8.7|
|92|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9621|16 11.6|-52 10|7.7|
|93|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9643|16 11.9|-52 16|8.7|
|94|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9636|16 11.8|-52 31|9.1|
|95|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9614|16 11.4|-52 24|8.9|
|96|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9582|16 10.6|-52 26|9.1|
|97|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9561|16 10.0|-52 28|8.0|
|98|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9535|16 9.7|-52 24|8.5|
|99|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9503|16 8.8|-52 17|9.1|
|100|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9501|16 8.7|-52 16|8.9|
|101|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9490|16 8.5|-52 25|7.9|
|102|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9483|16 8.2|-52 41|8.4|
|103|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9481|16 8.1|-52 46|8.4|
|104|-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9467|16 7.6|-52 38|8.8|

[[annotation]] [[strikethrough]] Is this right? [[/strikethrough]] [[/annotation]]

[[annotation]] -52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 942[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]8 16 6.[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]3 -52 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 4 9.[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]3 super.[[/annotation]]

[[annotation]]-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9436 16 6.6 -52 0 9.2 super.[[/annotation]]

[[annotation]]-51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9972 16 8.3 -51 36 10.0 super.[[/annotation]]

[[annotation]]-52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9583 16 10.6 -52 26 9.6 super.|[[/annotation]]

[[annotation]]Two close stars - see chart plate B [[strikethrough]] 94 [[/strikethrough]] 3888b Only one in CPD.[[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
****Rows below like first row: 5 column table**** ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-30 10:45:16 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-30 11:27:51 I think the left annotation should read "Is this right?" not "this night".