Viewing page 177 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 171 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|1|-30[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11946|14 57.5|-30 30.7|9.3|
|2|-30[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11953|14 58.5|-30 29.0|9.3|
|3|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11638|14 53.8|-31 27.1|9.2|
|4|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11693|14 57.3|-31 13.2|9.6|
|5|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11695|14 57.5|-31 2.1|9.3|
|6|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11696|14 59.5|-31 47.1|9.1|
|7|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11694|14 57.4|-31 40.7|9.4|
|8|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11699|14 57.6|-31 37.0|9.2|
|9|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 11699[[/strikethrough]]11702|14 57.[[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]7|-31 [[strikethrough]] 37.0[[/strikethrough]]11702|9.3|
|10|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1170[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]]5|14 [[strikethrough]] 57.7[[/strikethrough]]58.0|-31 [[strikethrough]] 30.7[[/strikethrough]]24.1|[[strikethrough]] 9.3[[/strikethrough]]8.6|
|11|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11713|14 58.6|-31 14.1|9.4|
|12|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11714|14 58.7|-31 34.9|8.6|
|13|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11717|14 59.1|-31 58.2|8.0|
|14|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10593|14 58.9|-32 7.3|8.2|
|15|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10583|14 57.3|-32 21.6|8.9|
|16|-3[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]2[[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 11877[[/strikethrough]]10584|1[[strikethrough]]4 5[[/strikethrough]]4 [[strikethrough]] 12.4[[/strikethrough]]57.4|-3[[strikethrough]] 1[[/strikethrough]]2 [[strikethrough]]15.6 [[/strikethrough]]13.3|[[strikethrough]] 8.5[[/strikethrough]]9.5|
|17|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10566|14 56.0|-32 19.8|9.0|
|18|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10576|14 56.9|-32 52.8|9.3|
|19|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10307|14 59.3|-33 0.0|9.1|
|20|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10601|14 59.6|-32 52.7|9.0|
|21|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10600|14 59.5|-32 25.0|7.2|
|22a|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10605|15 0.1|-32 41.4|8.9|
|22|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10618|15 1.0|-32 18.7|9.6|
|23a|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10609|15 0.3|-32 43.4|8.7|
|23|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10624|15 1.6|-32 22.0|7.8|
|24|-32[[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 10668[[/strikethrough]]10628|15 1.8|-32 0.3|8.7|
|25|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11748|15 2.1|-31 40.5|7.9|
|26|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11750|15 2.2|-31 14.0|8.6|
[[annotation]] superposed -32[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10579 magn. 9.8 [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
Needs table header rows, strikethroughs, and the annotation. The column of 14s is also missing. Instructions for those are here: ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-31 12:20:35 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-31 15:27:49