Viewing page 49 of 226

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[[preprinted]] 43 [[/preprinted]] 
|   |   |   |   |   |   
|182|+1 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 641|3 32.1|+1 42|8.5|
|183|+1 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 638|3 31.3|+1 10|9.2|
|184|+1 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 624|3 28.9|+1 24|9.0|
|185|+0 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 639|3 33.8|+0 23|9.3|
|186|+0 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 645|3 35.9|+0 29|9.2|
|187|+0 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 648|3 37.8|+0 4|8.9|
|188|-0 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 591|3 37.1|-0 46|9.2|
|189|+1 [[symbol – degree symbol]] 664|3 40.9|+1 9|8.8|
Ident. on cards by A.M.C. April 17, 1916
Ident. in book by J.C.M. April 20, 1916
Ident. compared by G.R.B. April 21, 1916

|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|190|-3 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 612|3 40.0|-3 45|9.0|184 on B23816|
|191|-5 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 746|3 40.2|-5 3|9.0|186 on B23816|
|192|-2 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 684|3 32.5|-2 23|8.3|35 on I37338|
|193|-3 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 597|3 34.4|-3 19|8.0|40 on I37338|
|194|-4 647|3 33.5|-4 37|8.3|41 on I37338| 

Transcription Notes:
See project instructions for how to transcribe tables and symbols. Do not transcribe checkmarks. See first row for correct format ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-11 10:24:42 annotations should be annotation ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-11 12:02:25 When every row has something in the 6th column, use, 6 columns, not annotations