Viewing page 35 of 226

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[[preprinted]] 29 [[/preprinted]]

|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|55|+27 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 542|3 30.9|+27 17|8.6|   |
|56|+28 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 586|3 39.1|+28 8|8.9|   |
|57|+29 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 636|3 43.2|+29 10|8.2|   |
|58|+32 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 619|3 14.1|+32 21|8.0|31 on I37405|
|59|+32 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 621|3 14.2|+32 33|7.6|32 on I37405|
|60|+32 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 622|3 14.4|+32 49|7.3|34 on I37405|
|61|+32 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 612|3 12.7|+32 34|8.0|29 on I37405|
|62|+32 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 608|3 11.9|+32 42|7.8|[[strikethrough]] 28[[/strikethrough]]|
|63|+33 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 607|3 6.7|+33 40|8.5|61a on I37405|
Ident. on cards by A.M.C. April 17, 1916
Ident. in book by J.C.M. April 20, 1916
Ident. compared by G.R.B. April 21, 1916

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-10 14:42:36 make this a 6 column table and move the annotations to the table