Viewing page 37 of 226

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[[preprinted]] 31[[/preprinted]] 
|   |   |   |   |   |   
|1|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 974|4 45.3|-17 3|8.8|
|2|-[[strikethrough]]17[[/strikethrough]]18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 991|4 49.5|-[[strikethrough]] 17[[/strikethrough]] 35|8.8|
|3|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 990|4 49.1|-18 0|8.5|
|4|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 963|4 51.3|-18 12|9.4| 
|5|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 961|4 50.8|-18 47|8.7| 
|6|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 967|4 52.4|-18 22|9.0| 
|7|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 968|4 52.5|-18 22|9.0| 
|8|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 973|4 53.4|-18 52|8.2| 
|9|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 975|4 54.9|-18 3.5|8.3| 
|10|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 981|4 56.1|-18 41|9.0| 
|11|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 991|4 58.3|-18 9|8.4| 
|12|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1018|4 58.4|-17 52|9.0| 
|13|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1021|4 59.7|-17 38|9.0|
|14|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1022|5 0.0-17 1|9.0|
|15|-16[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1027|4 56.4|-16 5|8.7|
|16|-15[[symbol - degree symbol]] 947|5 0.1|-15 59|9.0|
|17|-16[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1048|5 1.6|-16 59|9.0|
|18|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1033|5 2.9|-17 23|9.0|
|19|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1045|5 5.7|-17 26|9.0|
|20|-12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1058|4 56.2|-12 39|8.3|
|21|-19[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1053|4 50.4|-19 27|9.0|
|22|-16[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1042|4 59.9|-16 1|9.0|
[[annotation]]44 on B 12628[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]]33 on B12628[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]]81 on B24605[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]]71 on B12628[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]]64 on B12628[[/annotation]]

Ident on cards by A.M.C. Mar. 25, 1916
Identified here March 25 1916
Ident. compared by G.R.B. Apr. 4, 1916

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to indicate checks or degree marks ---Don't transcribe checkmarks. Degrees are [[symbol - degree symbol]]. Blank spaces are 3 cells. Also needs table heading and page number in preprinted tags. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-12 14:15:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-13 07:44:32