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[[preprinted]] 53 [[/preprinted]] [[table]] | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---| |27|-15[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1712|7 7.7|-15 9|9.4| |28|-14[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1788|7 8.4|-14 54|9.8| |29|-15[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1723|7 8.5|-15 1|9.3| |30|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1882|7 9.7|-17 12|9.3| [[/table]] Ident. on cards by A.M.C. Apr. 1, 1916 Ident. in book by J.C.M. April 3, 1916 Ident. compared by G.R.B. April 4, 1916 [[table]] | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---| |31|-15 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 1629|6 57.6|-15 7|8.5| |32|-15 [[symbol - degree symbol]] 1626|6 57.2|-15 5|8.9| |33| | | | | [[/table]] [[annotation]] -15[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1627 magn. 10 [[/annotation]] Ident. in book by A.M.C. June 6, 1916 Ident. on cards by M.A.H. June 7, 1916 Compared by G.R.B. June 7, 1916 [[table]] | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| |34|-16 1749|6 58.8|-16 18|8.8|13 on B15402| |35|-15 1689|7 4.9|-15 54|9.0|150 on B15402| |36|-15 1676|7 3.3|-16 0|7.0|2 on B8903| |37|-18 1714|7 3.8|-18 58|7.4|42 on B8903| |38|-18 1743|7 7.9|-18 11|8.2|48 on B8903| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
[[annotations]] should be [[annotation]]
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-11 10:28:28
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-11 12:22:05
The 3rd table should be 6 columns as every row has something in the 6th column.