Viewing page 109 of 226

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[[preprinted]] 103 [[/preprinted]]

|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|176|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1652|3 56.9|-31 7|8.7|40 on B12257|
|177|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1637|3 55.4|-31 48|8.0|108 on B12257|
|178|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1620|3 53.6|-31 23|8.7|   |
|179|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1585|3 53.6|-33 56|8.7|   |
|180|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1554|3 50.6|-33 33|8.5|   |
|181|-29[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1483|3 49.9|-29 35|8.3|   |
|182|-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1644|3 56.2|-31 5|8.5|   |
|183|-24[[symbol - degree symbol]] 2152|4 7.4|-24 13|8.7|21 on B41089|
Nos. 178-182 inc. Ident on cards by JCM. May 18, 1916.
Nos. 178-182 inc. Ident in book by M.A.H. May 25, 1916.
Ident. compared by A.M.C. May 26, 1916

|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|184|-26[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1502|3 53.1|-31 28|8.6|7 on B46166|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-10 17:39:16 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-12 16:28:26