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X plates
H[[beta]] br. stars photographed for variability 
|   |   |
|[[eta]] Centauri|13460^[[no bt.]]|
|[[kappa]]' Apodis|x13444^[[poor]]], 13447^[[n.s.]] 13456^[[narrow Z]] 13518^[[H[[beta]] br. ft.|
|[[mu]] Centauri|x13450 July 14, 1922|
|x Arae|x13449 H[[beta]], H[[gamma]], H[[delta]] br. 
|v Sag.|x13454, 13459, 13502|
|15 02 -42|x13451^[[no br.]] suspected|
|16 48 -50|x13452^[[line wide, not br.]] also B41738, 43050 x11167, 11592 suspected|
|14 35 -62|x13443 ft. trace br? susp. P x11971^[[certainly a very narrow br. certain]] H[[beta]] sharp unless defection in x11971 no change.|
|15 55 -60|x13457 H[[beta]] br. no change. X13499^[[good}}|
|17 15 -47|x13458 H[[beta]] strong br.|
|[[chi]] Opl.|x13466 good|
|[[theta]] Cir.|x13465 susp. H. n.s. lines wide|
|17 9 -33|H[[beta]] br. x13500|
|   |x13495 susp. H[[beta]] br.|
|12 36 -62|H.R.4830 X H[[beta]], H[[gamma]] strong. br. lines. dark on old plates.|
|[[strikethrough]] [[beta]] Lupi|lines single X12461 [[/strikethrough]]|
|[[epsilon]] Cap.|13506 H[[beta?]] dark.|
|p Car.|x13366 lines dark compare x6271 May 13, 1922|
|E Car.|x13367 H[[beta]] br. although Perrie found it gone.|
|14 8 -56|x13375 H[[beta]] br. no change. See x5565|
|[[mu]] Crucis|   |
|[[beta]] Lyrae|   |
[[annotation]] stars having br. or suspected to have [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-16 10:40:05 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 09:06:08