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|   |   |   |   |
|AM15959|br. on 17 53 -36.4|[[strikethrough]] R.C. Aust. [[strikethrough]]Defect?|171|
|B53214|Merrill's 17 52 -27|H[[beta]] h. & neb. Look up intensity|167|
|53212|19 15 +22|Br. lines? ft.|167|
|[[strikethrough]]53211|not ident.|Class O & Md|167|
|53209|15-34-48| Md known  see MF7924 p. 99|166|
|53208|14 59-51| N|166|
|53207|18 12-32| Md in cluster|166|
|53206|17 52-21| comp. 17 58 -22 36 Gas. neb.|165|
|   |   |comp. 17 52 -26 50 188-19 known|   |
|53205|16 48 -44|Comp.|165|
|53198|14 17 -60|Comp.?|163|
|53194|18 -30| Br. lines? 1756 -33|163|
|53193|17 15 -41| Rp. 17 15 -41 like T Sg.|162|
|53192|15 50 -56| T Normae & 3 comp.|162|
|53186|16 04 -54| Oa?| 161|
|53154|14 59 -51| Md?| 160|
|53182|17 08 -36| H[[beta]] br.|160|
|53181|15 50 -57| 3 Comp. Mp|159|
|   |Object 16 04-54| several br. lines see B53100|159|
|53180|14 00 -66| gas. neb. known 4363>H[[gamma]]|158|
|53175|17 16 -43|Not ident. 2 Md|158|
|53173|15 34-54|Comp|156|

Transcription Notes:
if can't read script, best to move on to something else needs fixing from top 1/2 down Reopened for Editing 2024-06-13 17:16:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 00:34:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 09:08:51